It has been an exciting first month of year 2009. I only went to work/school one Wednesday this month. The last week has been one of the most emotional ones I have had in a long time. My dad going to the hospital in an ambulance and dear friends facing the most difficult family decisions ever. All I can do is hand it all over to my heavenly Father and say, “Here you go. Only You know how to take care of these things that concern me.”
On January 14th, I went to Winters with Revolution. They did a great job at entertaining preschoolers through 12th graders. There was at least one 80 year old man in the crowd as well. Revolution was there to help him celebrate another year of life. David went up into the balcony during the first concert with the middle school students. He just happened to run into Anthony. Anthony is the grandson of the neighbors that live next door to us now. There have been times in his life when he has lived next door, so he knows our family quite well. He has gone to AWANAs with us in the past. Anthony was thrilled David let him play his bass. Just this week Anthony was at his grandparents and he said all the girls were still talking about the "good looking bass player with Revolution".
Daniel received an Outstanding Student Leadership award from the Breakfast Optimist Club of Abilene this month. In other words he was 8th grade boy of the month at his middle school. We are very proud of him. His basketball team has only lost one game. We are enjoying these games so much with my parents, Grandma Nease, and even Derek shows up sometimes. Next weekend Daniel will play in the All City Honor Band
Derek is now the Frozen Food Manager at the Buffalo Gap United. He told us me he thinks he saw every teacher he had ever had (and some of their spouses) after the roads thawed out Wednesday afternoon.
Nathan and I are very proud of all our boys. I have always prayed with whomever I am blessed enough to get to take to school. This year it is David. One of the verses we recite is: Joshua 1:8, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” I pray each one of them will have good success in God’s eyes.
My blood work showed that I do not have Gout. There is still a possibility that it could be though. Everything they did for me helped me to get better. I still have the prescription. I only took one pill. If the symptoms come back I can take another pill and see if it helps. If it goes away then it may be Gout. The P.A.'s just don't think that my uric acid level would be as low as it was the next morning if it was gout. My God is able to heal me and I choose to believe that He had a hand in all of this. No matter what it was it does not hurt anymore and I can walk. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
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