God has provided for us miraculously once again. Yesterday (March 13, 2007) we received a rather large anonymous gift of cash. Shortly afterward we continued our search for a new family vehicle. We had been looking since March 3rd for something that we could afford, but with all of our car repairs over the past 6 months there was not much to work with. After receiving the gift our selections broadened. We were even able to look at vehicles that our mechanic thought would be great for our family. We took 3 vehicles to our mechanic. The first one had too many little things wrong. The second one was out of our price range but we thought we could negotiate if our mechanic said everything was o.k. We went by one last dealership before heading back to territory we had already covered last night. We found a Chevrolet Tahoe that had a sticker price that was $995 over the amount we had. We took it straight to our mechanic and he pointed out 2 things that we needed to get fixed. He asked who we were dealing with. Our mechanic said he was a very kind man and would probably do the work for us right there at his place. If not our mechanic would do it. We went back and the dealer asked us what it would take to get us in the vehicle. Nathan told him about the two things our mechanic stated. He told us he would get those things taken care of, not just fix the brakes but replace them altogether. Nathan told him how much money he had in his pocket. The dealer said, "Let's go inside and I will see what I can do." He basically put our amount in the computer. Then the computer reduced the vehicle's price and added in the taxes, title cost, etc. Then he said the total cost would be the very amount God had given us. Our gift from God is getting new brakes and pins fixed in the front two doors and it will be ready for us to pick up tomorrow.
If you need a vehicle then we would highly recommend talking to God and then going and seeing J.C. at Cal's Auto Sales, in Abilene, Texas.